Tuesday, January 12, 2016

0- Day one of Ed Tech

I have been using technology now for a very long time. Because of my age, technology has been around for my entire life. I first experienced technology when I was around seven. I would play on the computer on children's sites like Disney.com. As I grew older, so did the evolution of technology. I purchased the first ever iPod when I was 10. Ever since then, I have been using Apple products, from my phone, to my laptop. Many people my age, always have the newest and latest form of technology and because of this I have been surrounded by it for my entire life.

I hope to learn many things from this class. After taking this course, I want to have a better understanding of how technology plays a part in our society. In addition, I want to know how to utilize technology in classes while teaching. As of right now, I would not say I am the most "tech-savy" person, but as I continue in this course, I want to become better and grow more knowledge of how to use everything on the computer. In addition, I want to become familiar with how to not only utilize technology in a classroom but also how to teach my students how to properly use technology in the classroom. I am a very visual learner and have always enjoyed when teachers use pictures, or graphs. Because of this, I would like to do the same for my students.

After today's first class, I have discovered many things about myself. In class we were told to take a test that would determine what kind of learning style we follow. According to my results, I am more of an active learned as opposed to a reflective learner. I always tend to remember information when I am physically doing it or some kind of action. I scored a 1 on the sensing vs. intuitive test. which is pretty equal between the two. According to the visual vs. verbal test, I am much more of a visual learner. This does not surprise me at all. I do not like to listen to teachers ramble on and on because I usually lose them halfway through a lecture. Because of this, I learn and retain information so much better through pictures and graphs. Lastly, I scored a 1 on sequential vs. global. Again, this does not surprise me that much because I have always tried to look at a problem in the big picture. However, I do not follow at all when teachers jump from topic to topic. I would much rather have the teacher go step by step on how to do a problem. Again, I was not too surprised by my results because I am very aware of what type of learner I am. 


  1. In some assignments, I will proceed step-by-step, in others I will show a few tools and let you explore. If you need additional help, speak up. Many of your sequential classmates will have the same questions. And have fun!

  2. In some assignments, I will proceed step-by-step, in others I will show a few tools and let you explore. If you need additional help, speak up. Many of your sequential classmates will have the same questions. And have fun!
