Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2nd ILP

For the second ILP I decided to create an Edmodo. Edmodo is almost like a blog where users are able to write down any important information. I really enjoyed doing this because I was able to create polls and quizzes that were directed to parents. I would use this in my classroom to communicate with my students and parents. Here is the link.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Excel Survey


Blog #10

Just recently we have learned about the application, Excel. Excel is a Microsoft application and is a spreadsheet developed for Windows and Macs. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tools, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. I was pretty familiar with this application because I had used it in high school. Ever since I was in high school and worked with little kids, I have dreamed of becoming a teacher, specifically first grade. First graders themselves are too young to use this but I could utilize it for my own class. As a teacher, I would use this and find this very helpful in my class for many reasons. One, it will be an easy way to for me to grade rubric sheets for class grades and also I could also use it to establish a seating chart for my students. I could also use it to create a schedule for what I will do in class. It will become very helpful for me in organizing my class. 

Probably the most interesting thing about reading other people's blogs is seeing other people's perspectives and thoughts on topics. It is really cool to see other people's views and what they thought about things in the classroom. Also, it was pretty cool how for the most part, everyone picked different websites or games and we all did not write about one. This made me learn about more websites and resources and gain more knowledge on them. Having a blog throughout this course, also made me get to know the other students in my class more and really connect with them. I thought it was really cool when I was reading a blog and that person had the same idea or thought as me. Personally, having blogs were great and I really benefited toward them. 

In the next steps, I would like to learn more about the different kinds of computer software is out there that could assist with my teaching. I feel like there is a never ending list of educational softwares that help in the classroom both with teachers and students. I really would like to do some research and get a better idea of all available software. For example, that one day when we went to the Tech Sandbox, I had no idea that all of these softwares even existed. I was blown away by the 3-D printer and the roll coaster software. This is what really interests me and can't wait to explore other softwares. 

One way for me to achieve my future educational technology related goals, is to educate myself more about how to use technology in the classroom. One way this would be done, is attending conferences or lectures specifically held for teachers. In addition, I could continue doing research and testing out new softwares that I could possibly use for my classroom. I truly believe technology enhances learning in the classroom and want to be very knowledgeable about everything when I become a teacher. I also cannot wait to see what other high- tech advances of technology will be happening when I am a teacher. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Blog post #9

The Flipped Classroom is where the typical lecture and homework elements of a class are reversed. In other words, things that you would normally do in a class, you would do at home and vis versa. In class, time devoted to exercises, projects, and group discussions, while at home the student learns the lectures. Personally, I believe this is a great method because my chemistry teacher actually did this in my 11th grade of high school. The reason this works so well is because of instead of being bored in class and not paying attention, the student is actually interacting and doing what he or she was taught. Also, this allows students to ask more questions and fully understand the concept. Students learn better when a teacher is able to walk them through an exercise rather than just listening to them talk about a concept (234 Technology for Distance Delivery). I find this method extremely helpful and a huge advantage to students and teachers. Here's a video that explains the Flipped Classroom:


A great web-based resource that I will definitely be using in my classroom is Prezi. Prezi is almost like a Powerpoint, but allows the student and the teacher to be more creative with their work. Personally, I have always been a huge fan of Prezi, both as a learner and a user. Sometimes when I am studying, i'll even go onto google and look up if any Prezi's were made about what I was studying. The way they are presented seems to get my attention and really makes me remember information. In addition, Prezi seems to have more templates and features to offer compared to Powerpoint. Here is the link to Prezi:


I enjoyed the Powerpoint Interaction Assignment because it allowed me to be creative and really create whatever I wanted. It is a great and fun way to have the students stay interacted and engaged during a presentation. Although for the most part I knew what I was doing, I encountered some challenges. I had some trouble making the template move with my information. In addition, it was very hard to create a game totally by scratch. I really think that having games in the classroom will make the students more engaged. When they answer questions right, they will feel satisfied and confident in themselves. Next time, I would try to make my information a little more organized and easy to follow.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Blog Post #8

After reading all of the different technologies mentioned in chapter 12, I think that Gamification holds the biggest promise for education. Personally, I think it is very hard for students to simply sit in a classroom and just listen to a teacher lecture. Gamification, on the other hand, is a great way for the students to be interactive and have fun while learning. In addition, it allows the student to have increased motivation and encourages creativity while deepening their understanding of the content. This technology is actually already used today in classrooms but has the potential to become something larger and popular. For example, one outstanding game is called ATOMS. Learners can create, test their inventions, and experiment with how electronics work by plugging electronic blocks together. This technology would be used in ways to teach students, to complete class projects, and lastly used to test students and another way for them to study.

The digital divide is at term that has been used to discuss the gap between people who do and do not have access to technology. Personally, I am definitely on the side of having the advantage of having technology. As a student in the the year of 2016, I have access to many forms of technology, for example, computer, internet, iPads, and phones. In addition, I also have access to wifi almost everywhere I go which allows me to be on the internet at any time I want. With the digital divide, there will be some challenges in my classroom. Some students will have access to computer, while others will not. This will make it complicated because some students will be able to do things at home that others won't be able to do. For example, say I assign a project using Powerpoint and some students don't finish in class. Students with computers at home will have an advantage because they can simply save it and continue working on it. Those who do not have access, won't be able to work on it at home, which is unfair for them. As a teacher, I would have to give each student a sufficient amount of time to get all their work done on the computer. In addition, if I had extra time on my hands, I would allow those who do not have access to computer to have some extra time in the classroom, whether it be before or after class, to complete their work.

After completing the Powerpoint for Information Dissemination assignment, I was able to learn how to include a voice recording in a powerpoint slide. Although I have had much experience using Powerpoint, I was never asked to record my voice. Other than that, I pretty much knew how to do all the other requirements. My favorite part of this assignment was being creative and having full freedom of how to create our slides. I love to be creative and this project was a great was to express our creativity involving technology. One way I would improve this for next time, is working on my organization and the way graphs and pictures are set up. Sometimes, there could be too much information and too much going on with a slide that it becomes overwhelming.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blog Post 7

In my opinion, I think Powerpoint is one of the most used and powerful tools involving teaching. It seems to me that mostly all of my teachers and professors have primarily used Powerpoint while doing lessons. Powerpoint is a great tool and may be used to help a student learning at each level of Blooms Taxonomy. Here are some examples-
Remember- Including lists or bullet points on slides will help the student know key words so that they can remember specific information. Having a lot of words on a slide is too overwhelming and simply putting key words will help the student refer to the main idea.
Understand- Including pictures and graphics will help students understand by seeing the information visually. For example, say the lesson is about the water cycle, it would be a great idea to put a graphic of the water cycle. This is an effective way for students to identify, locate, and recognize main ideas.
Apply-For apply, having the students talk to their peers is a great idea. For example, once you have taught them the main idea, the application process is where the students can prove that they truly have listen to the lecture and understand the material. I would split the class into groups and allow time for my students to discuss with each other what they have learned.
Analyze- For analyze, I would make my students do an experiment of some sort with the information they just have learned. For example, after teaching a science lesson, they could experiment with different variables. This allows the student to differentiate and examine the material they have just learned.
Evaluate- For evaluate, an effective way to for the students to prove to the teacher they have been listening, is to give them a pop quiz after the lesson. Not only does this allow the student to show their knowledge but also the teacher can see what they did wrong and can help them from there.
Create- Lastly, I would have my students create a group project to display what they have learned after a lesson. Whether it be a Powerpoint, a Prezi, a song, or a posterboard, creating this will allow them to formulate what they have learned into a visual presentation.

Adaptive technology are forms of technology that support students with learning disabilities. This is actually very interesting to me because my major is special education. There are many different softwares that help with these students. For example, word predication software is a program that predicts the next word the student would like to write down. In addition, there are softwares that the student can talk into a microphone and it will write down what he or she is saying. This device helps with children who physically cannot write on their own. According the podcast, there are also multiple forms of softwares that helps with students with Dyslexia. For example, their is a spell checking software. This automatically corrects any misspelled words. On a personal note, I have used a device called a Smart Pen to write my notes. This device allows you to write all of your notes but also records the lecture. It is great because you basically have the entire lecture at your hands when you go back and study. There could be many problems that arise while trying to use adaptive technology. For example, it may take a while for a student to get used to using the program.

I learned many things from doing the web page assignment. I have actually used Weebly before so I was pretty familiar with the program. On the other hand, I did learn many new things as well. For example, I learned how to hyperlink words and change the text size and font size. I really enjoyed creating this because it was all about creativity. I could design it however I wanted and that was really fun for me. One way I can improve next time is making it a little bit more organized and easily useable. At first it was a little difficult to use but as soon as I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed this assignment.


Independent Learning Project 

For my ILP, I decided to create a Prezi using the standard, SC.3.E.5. I decided to use Prezi because I have used it in the past during high school and really enjoy how creative it allows you to be. There are many different options and fun additions you can add to give you presentation a great look. It is fun and interactive and much better than listening to a teacher simply lecture. Here is the link...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Blog #6

I found a website from Brennen Elementary School. This website had many links that directed users to teacher's own pages. The picture above is just one of many examples listed on this website. This one is Ms. Andrew's 5th grade class page, which was filled with many things. First of all, there are announcements which are directed to the parents. They inform the parents of what the students will be learning and working on this week, which is The Roaring 20's, the Great Depression, and World War II. Below it are resources listed for the parents to look at. Also listed is a weekly calendar, the teacher's room number, and a link to her email.

With our society and technology today, it is so hard to not use technology. So much of the curriculum and what we do in class is revolved around technology, whether it be a computer, a smart board, or even an iPad. In my opinion, it is crazy how much schooling is dependent on technology. In my personal classroom, I will definitely use Word Office, like mentioned in the podcast. Not only today do I use it, but I could also see myself creating documents or test/assignments on there. In addition, I plan to incorporate blogging in my classroom. From my experience in this class, I feel like blogging and writing out my thoughts each week have helped my learning. Lastly, I will try to be as clear and organize as possible. I would create my own website, which would include all of the homework I assign and any other documents or rubrics my students need. This will help all of them know what to do and stay on top of their work. 

After completing the assignment, the Web Evaluation Wiki, I have gained a lot of knowledge about websites. First of all, there are many websites out there that are not reliable. I also learned how to use PBworks to create a webpage. I found this a little confusing at first, but as I continued to use it, I finally got the hang of it. I liked how simple it was to use and how straight forward. Some programs that I have used are so difficult but this website was not. I also really liked the fact that the user can invite others so that everyone can collaborate on a work. This would be a great program in the classroom for any group projects. Next time, I could use more options on my work. Because this was my first time using it, I used the bare minimum of the options that were given. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Blog Post #5

In my opinion, I believe Web 2.0 technologies are very important in the classroom. In particular, I think Youtube and blogging would be very effective in the classroom and learning. On a personal note, when I am studying, sometimes I will useYoutube to help me understand a concept better and it really does help me. On the other hand, I do not think social media is all that useful in the classroom. I know with me, a lot of the time I get distracted and do other things I shouldn't be doing if I have social media. The podcasts mentions that twitter and blogs can help the student learn. I agree because in this class, we blog a lot and I feel like I have learned from it. Some equipment that is necessary for these tools would be a computer of course, a keyboard, a monitor, and a mouse. In addition, you would also need wifi to be able to connect.The periphery equipment needed would be a speaker so that students can hear and a whiteboard projector to show the class videos from Youtube

One interesting web 2.0 tool is scribd. Scribd is digital library and e-book, audiobook and comic book subscription service that includes one million titles. This tool could be very useful in the classroom for multiple reasons. One, teachers can use this to assign reading assignments to their students. Also, it is a great way for students to be able to read. In addition, this web 2.0 tool is an app that can be used on the iPad. I know for me, when I was in high school, we used iPads. This could be very effective because it allows a student to be able to read instead of having an actual hard copy book. 

Even though there are many upsides to Scribd, there are some downsides. Personally, I understand and grasp things better if I have a hard copy book. This allows me to annotate and to make any notes that I need to within the book itself. With Scribd, it's all online or on the iPad so there's no way to really make notes. On the other hand, the upside is that all the books have audio recordings. So, instead of physically reading the words, someone can just say them for you. This can be helpful to audio listeners. 


 After completing the Concept Mapping assignment, I learned many new things. My partner and I used a program called Webspiration. I am a visual learner and most of what was on Webspiration is visually based. I learned how to creat and rearrange shapes in way that is easy to understand. It was a little difficult for me to rearrange the shapes in order and to make it look like it made sense. Next time I can improve my concept map by making it more easy to understand. Now that I know how to utilize the different options, I feel like the next time I do it, it will be much more easy to read and organized. I could see myself using this in my future for my classes and to be more organized. (not yet done with concept map)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Blog post #4

MAFS.1.MD.2- How to tell and write time
Classification tool: Educational games
I choose a standard under Mathematics for Grade 1. This specific standard addresses how the student can learn how to tell and write time. I would use this classification tool listed above in my classroom to enhance the learning of how to properly tell time. In the game, the student is a given a time and must set the clock right to the specific time. From there, there's a "check" button where the student can see if the answer they put down is correct. I would use this in my classroom because it's a great way for the student to become more confident and understand what they are doing. Not only is it beneficial to the student, but also fun and interactive!

After listening to the podcast, I have realized that I do not follow the ABCDT method. Instead, if I had a project or was googling something, I would simply type in what I needed to know and use the first link or picture that came up. After taking this class and learning about the copyright laws, I realized I have been doing it wrong this whole time. I found that the ABCDT acronym is very useful and helpful in using other people's works. I never really paid any attention to who the work or picture is owned by and never really cited my sources. One specific topic mentioned in the podcast, whichI realized I do not do as well, is checking the stability of the website. In other words, double check the sites to make sure they are appropriate to show your students. 
Here is what the acronym stands for:

Author: Credentials?
Bias: Resource neutral?
Content: Accurate & Current?
Design: Clear?
Technical Elements: Function properly? 

After completing the web hunt assignment, I learned how useful and how incredible the internet was. On the Internet, there is about every possible thing you can find, from online shopping, to facts, to learning methods. There is literally a website for about everything. It has so many resources and so many different outlets. 
Here are some web hunt challenges I created....
1. You want to teach your students how to learn the alphabet. Are there any online educational games to do so?
2. You want to teach your students how to do simple addition. Are there any online educational games that students can use to learn addition in a fun and entertaining way? 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Blog Prompt 3

The ELA technology standard that I feel most prepared to teach with my existing knowledge is probably RHST.7, 6-12. Because of high school and some of the things we had to learn, I am very familiar with using charts, graphs, photographs, videos, maps, and research data on technology. Also I am very good at knowing when to include these things in a document. From my schooling, using visual interparetions helped me a lot with understanding certain skills. The standard I feel less prepared to use and wish for more preparation would be L.5-  determining the meaning of unknown and multi-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful work parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate. I have always had a difficult time including context clues in my writing. I also have a difficult time analyzing things. In other words, it's hard for me to go in depth and explain something.

Based on chapter 9, some software and applications I would like to use with my students are email, discussion groups and graphics. I like email because it's a way to connect to your students and your teachers when they are not in the classroom and if you need to get a hold of them. Discussion groups are great because it is a way for all students to read each other's work and comment on it. Lastly, I personally think graphics are a great way for visual learners to understand things. I would definitely use these in my classroom. If I were to be teaching a class of first graders, there are obviously some technology that I would not use because they would not know how to work it. A teacher must use technology in a way for the student to understand. For example, I would use graphics for younger children, because all they have to do is look at it. Another example is I would use email and discussion groups for older grades, like 7th or 8th grade.

After creating the newsletter, I have realized that I actually know a lot more than I thought I did. I knew how to insert the border, how to use word art, how to insert bullets and numbering and how to insert pictures into the document. On the other hand, I learned how to add a hyperlink and how to properly form a newsletter that made sense and was clear to the readers. I really like my border and the way I created the visual part of my newsletter. I have always been creative and designing this newsletter was actually really fun. The only part I do not like that much are the articles themselves. I was not quite sure what to write about. I even googled examples of newsletters but I still feel like the topics are just strange. How to improve it next time is possibly looking more into what teachers write about in their newsletters, or even asking a teacher some topics I could write about. After creating this newsletter, I have learned that writing to parents at home really help the communication between the teacher and the parent. Some parents simply send their children to school and hear nothing about what actually is going on. In my future career, I will definitely be communicating with parents because I think it is important for parents to know what children are learning and participating in everyday.

**have not finished newsletter, will insert picture of it when it is completed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Blog Prompt 2

Microsoft Word has played a huge part in my life as a student throughout school. In fact, out of all of my thirteen years in schooling, I have probably used Microsoft Word the most out of every other application on a computer. It has been a platform on which I have written everything from the most important essays of my life, like college essays, to countless assignments for classes. It has also been a place for me to sketch out ideas for papers. I have always had a Mac and have used Microsoft Word to write out documents. In addition, my teachers have used it as well. For example, they would write their syllabus on a word document. In addition, I have also seen teachers use it to write down notes. All together Word has been very useful to me throughout school.

In the educational environment and all throughout high school and college, administrators have always pushed that plagiarizing is wrong. Plagiarizing is when an individual literally copies word for word what another document says. You can get kicked out of school if you are caught for doing it. I have always been very good about citing my sources because I was taught how to do so in high school. As a teacher, I will make sure I inform my students very well about copyright and fair use policies. I think it is extremely important for students to be aware of it before they get themselves into trouble.

After starting the Twitter and personal learning assignment, I have discovered many new skills with Twitter and the social media. I never really knew how much Twitter could benefit me career wise. I have always seen Twitter as a social way to connect with friends and post about random things. Now, after class on Tuesday, I have realized it could help very much with my career in education. I can connect with other teachers who are dealing with the same problems with me. In addition, I can also get to know and become more familiar with important people who were with education, particularly Special Ed. I cannot wait to get started on this project and see how much Twitter could benefit me in my career. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blog 1

There are many advantages to using computers in education. For teachers, technology can assist with their curriculum and lesson plans. For example, in order to explain a concept, a teacher might use their computer to create a PowerPoint. On the other hand, teachers may also utilize YouTube to show students a certain lesson. In addition, computers can be a huge support for teachers in the classroom. They can help with lesson plans and instructional design. In other words, technology can enhance the planning by utilizing tools on the computer. According to the textbook, computers can be used to help report attendance, entering grades, preparing a worksheet, or simply just researching a topic on the Internet. Whatever it is, computers are an important part of the educational experience. On the other hand, they can also cause critical concerns involving teachers and students. There are two variables, environmental and psychological. Environmental means sometimes while technology is being used in the classroom, for example, dim lightning and excessive movement. Psychological factors include the internal conditions that affect communication. I 100% agree with these issues that were touched on throughout the two chapters. In my personal experience where computers have been used, there have been issues with the quality of the technology or the way it has been presented.

One ISTE standard that gladdens my heart is the first one, facilitate and inspire students learning and creativity. To me, this is what teaching is all about, sharing your knowledge of the subject matter to others. On the other hand, one ISTE standard that seems outside my current skill set would be number two, design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. This one seems like it would be a challenge. This is where being creative in technology plays a part.

A “digital native” is considered a person who was born into the era of technology. For example, I would consider my eleven-year-old sister to be a “digital native” because for her entire eleven years of her life, technology has been a huge aspect in our culture. On the other hand, a “digital immigrant” would be considered someone who grew up with no technology and has had to become used to it, as they have gotten older. I do agree with the term, “digital native” for today’s youth because these people have basically lived in a society that technically relies on technology. In my personal experience, I have definitely seen differences in these two terms. For example, in high school, most of our classes revolved around doing work on our iPads. I have been using Apple technology ever since I was around 8 so I am very familiar with the Apple products. On the other hand, my 60-year-old teacher has not been using technology for that long and is a little “slower” or not familiar with how to use an iPad. This problem of the teacher not knowing how to do certain things on the iPad caused some issues in the classroom. She would always waste time asking the students how to set things up, or the students would have to wait on her to figure out what to do. This became annoying because we started to waste time that we could be using to learn instead of her learning to use the iPad. As a “digital native” I anticipate myself as a teacher to be familiar with whatever technology I am using, unlike my older teachers who are still becoming familiar with them. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

0- Day one of Ed Tech

I have been using technology now for a very long time. Because of my age, technology has been around for my entire life. I first experienced technology when I was around seven. I would play on the computer on children's sites like Disney.com. As I grew older, so did the evolution of technology. I purchased the first ever iPod when I was 10. Ever since then, I have been using Apple products, from my phone, to my laptop. Many people my age, always have the newest and latest form of technology and because of this I have been surrounded by it for my entire life.

I hope to learn many things from this class. After taking this course, I want to have a better understanding of how technology plays a part in our society. In addition, I want to know how to utilize technology in classes while teaching. As of right now, I would not say I am the most "tech-savy" person, but as I continue in this course, I want to become better and grow more knowledge of how to use everything on the computer. In addition, I want to become familiar with how to not only utilize technology in a classroom but also how to teach my students how to properly use technology in the classroom. I am a very visual learner and have always enjoyed when teachers use pictures, or graphs. Because of this, I would like to do the same for my students.

After today's first class, I have discovered many things about myself. In class we were told to take a test that would determine what kind of learning style we follow. According to my results, I am more of an active learned as opposed to a reflective learner. I always tend to remember information when I am physically doing it or some kind of action. I scored a 1 on the sensing vs. intuitive test. which is pretty equal between the two. According to the visual vs. verbal test, I am much more of a visual learner. This does not surprise me at all. I do not like to listen to teachers ramble on and on because I usually lose them halfway through a lecture. Because of this, I learn and retain information so much better through pictures and graphs. Lastly, I scored a 1 on sequential vs. global. Again, this does not surprise me that much because I have always tried to look at a problem in the big picture. However, I do not follow at all when teachers jump from topic to topic. I would much rather have the teacher go step by step on how to do a problem. Again, I was not too surprised by my results because I am very aware of what type of learner I am.